Ode to Pliancy
a poem written after reading “Ode to Gossips” by Safia Elhillo

after reading “Ode to Gossips” by Safia Elhillo
i was mothered by resilient women some
of them here some of them with
many moons ahead of me all resilient
smelling of sage & holy water all mothers
some of them to children some to childish
men acting like husbands and fathers only half
a man embodied in unironed shirts
cigarettes down the throat rings of emerald
with doting hands braiding hair
with choking conversation swallowed salt
in the car weak coffee hair unwound
against the headrest my demons each one
a scream through a phone call a new drop-
let added to the necklace carnelian and quartz
strong necks sharp collar bones pretty writing
words never spoken obsidian ink
smears on pure paper & they
begin i wish baby is crying
i am going away [ ] isn’t home
for good luck string another bead
& create a new start can you imagine
this will pass will pass